Whether you’re looking to take out another loan or consolidate an existing loan, this FAQ will have all the information you’ll need!

To borrow more with us, there are two options:

1. Take out a second loan alongside your existing one, so you have two separate Zopa loans.

2. Use a new loan to pay off your existing loan in full, so you only have one loan. This is known as consolidating.

To be clear, in both cases you’ll be taking out a new loan, as opposed to adding to your existing one.

You should only borrow what you’re able to repay, and all Zopa loans are subject to our normal credit checks. You can check your rates without impacting your credit score by using our Borrowing Power tool.

If you’re looking to borrow more as a second loan alongside your existing loan, follow the steps in this FAQ.

If you’re looking to consolidate your existing loan with a new one, follow the steps in this FAQ.

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