Cookie policy

Zopa uses cookies and similar technologies on our site and app for a number of different purposes. This cookie policy explains what types of cookies and similar technologies we use, why we use them, and how to manage them.

This cookie policy forms part of our privacy notice.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files, which are stored on your device when you visit websites. They can be stored for a set amount of time or indefinitely. We don't store sensitive data, like bank details, in cookies.

When we use the term ‘cookies’ in this policy, this includes similar technologies, including pixels, web beacons and IP addresses, device fingerprinting used to achieve the same effect (frequently to identify and track you).

We use cookies on our site and app so we can:

  • remember your preferences and whether you’re logged in or not

  • help improve our site by analysing your use of the site, where you like to go and where you don’t, and test different versions of our site

  • detect and prevent fraud

  • show you adverts for Zopa and our products

  • check the effectiveness of advertising campaigns

Essential cookies

We need to use some cookies to be able to operate our site. For example we'll use cookies to help keep the site secure.

We also use a range of services to help us detect and prevent fraud. Some of these services will use cookies and other technologies, including device fingerprinting to help us determine if the same device is being used by multiple different people or the same person is using multiple devices to access our site and app, both potential indicators of fraud.

As part of the above, we can also use information about individuals accessing our site and app like IP address, location and other online identifiers.

In some instances, this information is shared between other third parties to help them detect and prevent fraud.

We view the use of cookies to detect and prevent fraud as essential to protect our business and customers.

Other cookies

As well as essential cookies, we also use cookies for a number of different purposes. These cookies aren’t essential, but they do help us run our business.

Some of the cookies we use are ‘third party cookies’ meaning that third parties will have access to the information in those cookies. Sometimes these cookies are set directly by Zopa on behalf of the third party, sometimes they’re set by the third parties directly.

Customer experience

We use some cookies to remember your preferences and so we can provide some services to you to help improve your experience, including live chat.

CookiesPurposeManagement, opt-out link, or method of tracking if not cookies
Amazon ConnectLive ChatBrowser settings

Social media

We provide some social media buttons so you can share content on social media sites (Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook). These sites may also use your information for advertising purposes.


Zopa uses a range of cookies to help us understand how you’re using our site and app, what content you’re interested in, and analyse any problems you’re experiencing with the site, including through the use of session recording. We also use them for something called “A/B testing” so we can show different users, different versions of our site to see which they prefer.

All this is to help us to improve our site and app and to ensure they work as well as they can and that customers get a good experience.

Advertising and targeting

Zopa uses behavioural advertising to show you adverts for Zopa and our products around the web. Behavioural advertising relies on data about you to show you more relevant adverts as you browse the internet. As part of this, information about you will be provided to a range of third parties operating in the adtech ecosystem.

We also use specific cookies from social network sites so we can show you ads on those sites.

Also, if you click on an advert for Zopa or a link in an email we send you, we’ll track your activity on the site in line with the above section on analytics, but also to measure the effectiveness of our adverts and in connection with our app, to understand the route you took to install it.

Third party cookies

Here’s a list of the third parties whose cookies or similar technologies are used on the site or our app, together with the category they fall into.

CookiesPurposeManagement, opt-out link, or method of tracking if not cookies
FacebookAdvertisingBrowser settings
Google / DoubleClickAdvertising
PinterestAdvertisingBrowser settings
QuantCastAdvertisingBrowser settings
AdalyserAdvertisingBrowser settings
TwitterAdvertisingBrowser settings
AppsFlyerConversion tracking for analytics purposesDevice fingerprinting/IP address
Google AnalyticsWebsite usage tracking for analytics
Google OptimizeAnalyticsBrowser settings
Google RecaptchaSecurityBrowser settings
MarketoEmail marketing tracking for analytics purposesBrowser settings
OptimizelyA/B testing for analytics purposes
SessionCamSession recording for analytics purposes
UrchinAnalyticsBrowser settings
IntercomLive chat functionality for improved customer experienceBrowser settings
Involve.meCustomer engagementBrowser settings
OneTrustCustomer experienceBrowser settings
OptanonCookie preferences for customer experienceBrowser settings
Salesforce LiveagentLive chat functionality for improved customer experienceBrowser settings
IovationFraud detectionDevice fingerprinting
ThreatmetrixFraud detectionDevice fingerprinting
EloquaMarketingBrowser settings
AddthisSocial mediaBrowser settings
LinkedinSocial mediaBrowser settings
TwitterSocial mediaBrowser settings

Cookies set by Motiv (, white label provider of vehicle search services on

CookiesPurposeManagement, opt-out link, or method of tracking if not cookies
MotivCustomer experienceBrowser settings
MotivAnalyticsBrowser settings

Where providers give the option, we’ve included a link in the table for you to opt-out of the cookie use directly with them. In other cases, you can generally block or remove cookies through your browser settings, including through the cookie controls we made available when you first load Finally, in limited cases, because cookies aren't used, it's not possible to opt-out.

In order to offer certain services to you, we use “white label’ service providers, that operate through websites with Zopa branding in order to improve customer experience. Where these white label service providers don’t have a separate cookie policy, we have included in the table above details of the non-essential cookies they use and why.


You can control whether or not we use cookies, but if you block or delete any essential cookies, the site or parts of it, may not work.

Most browsers are set up to automatically accept all cookies, including third party cookies. You can update your browser settings to block some, all or just third party cookies.

As well as the opt-out links above, you can also opt-out of being tracking for online advertising purposes by a range of third parties here: and